30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

If you are going to pass out or experience person. you need a Resume. In tough economic period, everyone need to make perfect Resumes a challenging job hunting. If you are looking for something new way on resume. This best way to design your own resume according to appealing resume.

They’re looking striking and visually best creative design for making the resume.

Here are 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 23 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 11 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 22 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 17 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 15 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 24 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 25 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 21 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 14 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 13 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 20 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 19 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 18 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 12 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 10 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 9 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 29 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 28 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 27 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 26 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 32 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 30 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 8 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 7 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 6 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 5 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 4 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 3 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 2 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 1 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

Creative Résumés 0 30+ Striking and Creative Resumes

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. Ryan says:

    Wow what a load of knobs commenting. I’m studying business management and thinking about majoring in HR.

    I think what a lot of people are missing is that most of these resumes are for graphic design jobs. I studied Graphic Design in high school too.

    Would I hire these people based upon their presentation? No of course not, I’d hire them on their skills. Seriously though some of the commenter’s here are total douche bags. Not hiring them because they present their information in a creative way? I have no problems interpreting the information nor do I find it ugly. Some of them would just be confusing to any other job not involved with art but lets keep it in context.

    If I came across a resume that looked so different out of a pile of 100 applicants; I’d be more likely to remember that one when it comes to consideration. Its the same deal with putting a photo of yourself on your resume. It helps to make it stand out for purposes of remembrance.

    Not to mention it would brighten up my day. These are the kind of people successful businesses like Google employ. Creative, unique and talented.

    Also; the ones which are related to graphic design, which is almost all of them; would obviously be accompanied by a portfolio of work.

  2. bob says:

    Well I wouldn’t hire any of these people either. But not because their resumes are not conventional. it would be because they are FREAKING UGLY. None of the resumes above is close to “pleasing for the eyes”, nor “creative”. Don’t get me wrong, I’m into creative ways of getting a job. These are just terrible examples. I’m sorry but there’s absolutely nothing “brilliant” about these things.

  3. CD says:

    Yeah, I would have to agree with Ophelia. These are very well put together, but absolutely none of these would warrant a single phone call from me if I was looking to hire someone. Unless of course I was looking to hire at McDonalds, then sure… These people would have a shot. Maybe. It would be one thing if they were asked for their resume as well as a portfolio of their work. However, since this is just a resume, NONE of these people would get a job. Hisham has it right: “How not to get hired” is exactly what these people are practising.

  4. Mel says:

    Ophelia Jones you’re a ahole even though you’re a gal, I will treat you equal as a man. Ahole for sure. It takes brilliance to even come up wih something like this but people like you talk down on smart imaginative humans. It just shows the kind of people that will be replacing your old ass.

  5. This is really awesome.

  6. Ophelia Jones says:

    I wouldn’t hire anyone who presented a resumé like the ones listed above. Sure, they’re creative and pleasing for the eyes—but that’s not what the resumsé is meant for.

  7. Hisham says:

    Title should be “how not to get hired”.

  8. Radchenko Leonid says:

    so cool!!