17 Flexible Grid Tools and Frameworks for Responsive Websites
Today’s websites are no more nifty looking websites rather they have been evolved and improved. Different new technologies and innovations in the web industry have changed the whole criteria of web development. Today we have responsive websites that are interactive enough that they engage the visitors for relatively longer period of time. This is the reason why majority of websites are now shifting towards responsive layouts. From web design to development, there are all services that allow us creating a website for free.
Responsive websites have a flexible fluid grid including responsive images. In this collection, we are presenting 17 flexible grid tools and frameworks to help you create visually appealing and fully functional responsive websites. Here is the complete collection for you. Let us have a look at this collection and enjoy! Feel free to share your opinions with us via comment section below.
Gridpak is the starting point for your responsive projects, improving your workflow and saving time. Create your responsive grid system once using the simple interface and let Gridpak do the heavy lifting by generating PNGs, CSS and JavaScript.
Fluid Grids
A fluid grid calculator to build your own fluid grid systems.
Golden Grid System
Golden Grid System (GGS) splits the screen into 18 even columns. The leftmost and rightmost columns are used as the outer margins of the grid, which leaves 16 columns for use in design.
Semantic Grid System
The Semantic Grid System is a modern approach to the CSS grid. It allows you to set column and gutter widths, choose the number of columns, switch between pixels and percentages, and achieve responsive layouts, all without any unsemantic .grid_x classes in your markup. By default it’s powered by LESS.js, but also supports SCSS and Stylus.
Columnal CSS Grid System
Columnal makes responsive web design a little easier. It is 1140px wide, but since it is fluid, will respond to the width of most browsers. If the browser gets thin enough, the site will change to a mobile-friendly layout.
Simple Grid
Simple Grid is prepared for 4 distinct ranges of screen size: screens 720px, screens > than 985px, and screens > than 1235px. So people visiting your site will receive a layout that’s tuned to the size of their browser window. Say goodbye to horizontal scrollbars.
1140PX CSS Grid
The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser.
Responsive Calculator
Just a simple calculator to help turn your PSD pixel perfection into the start of your responsive website.
320 and Up
With 320 and up framework you can build flexible layouts that respond and react to desktop, mobile and tablet screens.
The Grid
It is a 12-column flexible grid that can scale out to an arbitrary size (defined by the max-width of the row) that’s also easily nested, so you can build out complicated layouts without creating a lot of custom elements. And when the Grid isn’t enough for your site, it just gets out of the way.
Gridless is an optionated HTML5 and CSS3 boilerplate for making mobile first responsive, cross-browser websites with beautiful typography.
Responsive Design bookmarklet
It lets you view any webpage in multiple screen sizes, simulating the viewport of different devices.
Adaptive CSS
Adapt.js is a lightweight (848 bytes minified) JavaScript file that determines which CSS file to load before the browser renders a page. If the browser tilts or resizes, Adapt.js simply checks its width, and serves only the CSS that is needed, when it is needed.
Titan Framework
With Titan Frameworkyou can create responsive layouts that adjust to any screen resolution at maximum width.
Responsive Grid System
Fluid grid CSS framework for fast, intuitive development of responsive websites. Available in 12, 16 and 24 columns with media queries for all standard devices, clearfix, and optional reset.
The Grid lets you lay out pages quickly and easily in a natural, logical way. The Gumby Framework’s grid system can be customized and molded to fit your every need — it’s easily adapted to any screen size or application. The possibilities are endless; the results are extraordinary.
Less+ Framework
Less+ Framework is a cross-device CSS grid system using media queries. Less+ empowers designers and developers to build websites that can adapt their content depending on screen resolution.
Nice collection, but so many above frameworks have many flaws, we already tested those.
So we prefer IVORY Framework is the best one than many other frameowrks.
Nice finds, thanks. Grids are always useful when i work on projects.
Great tools.Thanks for sharing
Really cool, Thanks a million, found a tool that checks the current popular phone and tablet screen sizes, http://digitalgeek.com.au/responsive_website_design/
Wow! Can’t believe that there are so many grids out there! Do they really get used? I tend to use a fluid grid layout in Dreamweaver rather than hash up a framework.