Advertisement Navigation plays a vital role in the ranking and development of any website. It is the major component which relates directly to the success or failure of any website
Web design
Infinite scrolling is really amazing feature and technique that is frequently used around the web and seen on many big sites like pinterest
Flat design is the latest and most widely used trend nowadays which depicts the era of development and modernity perfectly. This design is extremely modern and attractive with no extra or unnecessary effects such as drop shadows, gradients, [&hellip
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If we talk about quality, I can confidently say that mobile design has grown immensely. We see a lot of quality trends in mobile designing and the recent trend that is taking toll over mobile designing is color
As we have mentioned in our previous articles, one of the latest trends in web design world is of Flat Design. This trend is being followed all across the globe and is being appreciated as well
Web designs are an ever growing and ameliorating element and every year we get to see new trends and techniques. There was a time when websites used to be all plain and simple, and hard to navigate, with [&hellip
Nowadays, web designers are offered a wealth of tools that will help them do everything from organizing and creating a particular design to debugging their final design. However, it seems that HTML codes are not enough when it [&hellip
When it comes to mobile site development this year, responsive web design is being considered as the knight in shining armor. Honestly, it makes sense too because at this point of time, responsive web design is the only [&hellip
2013 is already here and we are witnessing a few latest web design trends already. However, predicting any upcoming trends is never an easy task nonetheless, we will try to discuss and mention a few web design trends [&hellip
While designing a website, every designer has his own creative style of doing it. However, some designers go for flat designing and some go to modern designing
If you are a designer, I am sure you look forward to the New Year because it brings new trends and changes within the design world. All designers look forward to the rising trends or creating a few [&hellip
The web world can be compared to a huge sea with a lot of sharks in it and this is exactly why the survivalĀ isn’tĀ that easy. If you are about to enter into it you should prepare yourself for [&hellip
One of the most important elements of a website is its footer. If you wish to create an attractive and good looking website then having a nice looking and efficient footer is a must