10 Must Have JavaScript Tools For Developers
JavaScript tools are still one of the most difficult issues when it comes to web-development. Many tools and applications could make your developing life pretty fast and simple. A few years back people only used JavaScript to add some effects like the blinking text etc but in the then people started taking it a lot more seriously, as it can enhance the web. So here are 10 great tools and script for all JavaScript developers.

This great tool does automatic resizing of a text considering the size of its parent element. Just view the website and resize your browser: The text will fit. A very good tool for modern sites and apps!
Visit http://fittextjs.com/

This is a new website that can provide you with a JavaScript code snippet quickly. It has JavaScript codes for almost all the common tasks: Ajax, Json, DOM and Object-Oriented JavaScript etc. Definitely a must have in your bookmarks!
Visit http://microjs.com/

It is a Javascript frontend that lets you view documents. It is designed to work with digital libraries to display multi-page documents as a single, undivided item. It has been designed to work with a IIPImage server and will prove to be a great tool for those who work on library or bookstore websites. A demo is given here if you want to check it out.
Visit http://ddmal.music.mcgill.ca/diva/
Bookmarklet Generator

As the name suggests it is a bookmarklet generator: All you have to do is to paste your regular JavaScript code, press the button and you will get a bookmarklet ready to be installed on your browser bar.
Visit http://benalman.com/code/test/jquery-run-code-bookmarklet/

It is an amazing site which provides the jQuery documentation in a very user-friendly way, so it can become your reference website when you need any jQuery help.
Visit http://jqapi.com

JavaScript presents endless possibilities: For instance, heatmap.js lets you generate web heatmaps with the html5canvas element based on your data. Simple and sophisticated!
Visit http://www.patrick-wied.at/static/heatmapjs/

This one is a tiny script that lets you use CSS3 media queries on browsers that don’t support it yet (like IE!)
Visit https://github.com/scottjehl/Respond/blob/master/respond.min.js

It is a script that lets older browsers to work almost as nicely as newest ones, so you can create modern apps that will work on IE6 and 7. Your clients are going to love it for sure.
Visit http://www.modernizr.com/

As the name hints, it answers yep, or nope. For instance, ask YepNope is Modernizr is loaded. If yes, ask YepNope to do this, and if not, ask YepNope to do that. Simple and very useful!
Visit http://yepnopejs.com/

The name says it all. Ligature.js is a script that adds amazing ligatures to any type of text. A must have if you are a typography lover.
Visit http://code.google.com/p/ligature-js/
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