35 Amazing Double Exposure Photographs
Double Exposure Photography is a really amazing technique in which you can merge two different photos into a single photo. Double Exposure Photography technique has been practiced for quite some years now, but recently it has become more popular because now you can even achieve this effect by using photo editing tools such as Photoshop.
Using this technique you can merge two images to produce an attractive image. It allows creating effects such as a ghost image, mirror image, or merging a bright moon into the dark sky or a bright sun in a morning sky. This technique allows creating some truly breathtaking and amazing photos, each being unique and beautiful in its own way. Once you know how to take advantage of this technique, you too can create some amazing photos!
Here are 35 Amazing Double Exposure Photographs.
Happy Birthday to Me

Double exposures are nice

Double Exposure

Double exposure Hasselblad

Double Exposure

Double Exposure 1

Piano Peace

Power station in the sky


Church of St. Thomas the Martyr

Gymnast Girl Antiques

Arm Race

Self Competing Race

Multiple Cool Kids

My Lost World

My Lost World

Route Maze

Pathway In Sky

My Moods Exposure

Amazing view

The Three Eyes

Skateboard Splash

Scary Dog Exposure

Super Sharp Eyesight

Awesome Multiple Exposure

Crosswalk Kiss

My Handy Hands

Wind Turbine Exposure

Self Portrait Multiple Exposure

Worth Thousand Pictures