About New Guest Posting Service
PRPosting is a new service of guest posting, which helps distribute your content. It is a project created under the close supervision of the CEO specialist Alexander Kirik. At the initial stages of the service existence, there was an idea to use it only for specific needs — to share the company’s content and, at the same time, to control the process. But later, when working with the service began to bring benefits, it was decided to give the opportunity to use the platform to everyone on the Web.
At the moment, PRPosting has been still actively developing, with a large team of professionals in various fields engaged. The company believes that the key to working with content is a well-thought-out strategy and proper links. Of course, the company does not disclose its secret, but together, these two factors produce more results than any other link-building service.
PRPosting has several trump cards for developing the right approach, such as:
- more than 30 thousand sites for content placement;
- refund system in case of failure to publish materials;
- stop lists, featured content, and multiple filters.
To see how the platform works, let’s look at its outreach services. When turning to outreach marketing, a client expects to get a 100% result but often doesn’t get it. In the case of PRPosting, outreach services are included in the cost of a standard package and, unlike with other marketplaces, bring real outcomes.
The platform works in the following way: a client makes an outreach request and pays only for a link, with no other expenses, such as taxes or salaries. And you can be sure that your link will be placed on unique portals that no one else has access to. And tо top it off, PRPosting gives you a 100% guarantee, so you can get your money back if the result doesn’t suit you.