8 twenty thirteen theme tutorials to customise your theme
Here are 8 very useful tutorials on how to customize your twenty thirteen wordpress theme. While the default has many useful functions straight out of the box, there are always something that we want to change. It can be something as simple as adding a logo to twenty thirteen or removing the search box. Whatever things you want to edit or modify for twenty thirteen, this round up of tutorials should be able to get you going. If there are other useful tutorials that I have missed, please drop me a comment or email to let me know about them.
Here are the 8 tutorial:
#1: How to add sidebar to twenty thirteen theme
I remember that twenty eleven, adding a sidebar involves multiple steps. For twenty thirteen, this is taken care of quite easily. The default layout is a single column page, with widgets being displayed at the bottom. If you want to add sidebars to the left, simply to the Appearance>Customize and choose the theme options. You can drag the widget to the secondary widget area in your dashboard.
#2: How to add logo to twenty thirteen theme

Inserting a logo to the twenty thirteen theme involves a bit more work. Don’t worry though. Just follow this tutorial and you will be fine. View tutorial here.
#3: How to customize menu in twenty thirteen theme

Customizing menu is fairly straight forward. Thanks for a tutorial by orclage.com, all you need to do it find the code as pictured above and made the necessary changes to your font or color.
#4: How to change background color for twenty thirteen

Most folks are not comfortable with the background color for the new theme, with its glaring orange. If you want to change the background color for twenty thirteen, view the tutorial here.
#5: How to change font size, header image and header size

This is a relative useful tutorial that teaches how to customize different aspects of the twenty thirteen wordpress theme. Worth checking it out for the basic customization. View the tutorial here.
#6: How to removed “powered by wordpress” in twenty thirteen

For whatever reasons, some don’t like their site to have the ‘powered by wordpress’ text. If you want to learn how to remove them, view the tutorial here.
#7: How to shoe excerpt in twenty thirteen theme

Excerpts are important to avoid duplicate content issues in your site. If you don’t use excerpt, your same article will appear in full in a couple of places including the actual article post, the tag pages, the home page, the category pages etc. All this will create duplicate content which might get your site in trouble with Google’s Panda alogorithm. Learn how to use excerpt in twenty thirteen by viewing this tutorial.
#8: How to add second menu to twenty thirteen

The default twenty thirteen theme has only one menu navigation that is below the header. If you wish to add a second menu to the navigation, there is some customization to be done. You can view the tutorial here on how adding second menu.
Isn’t the sidebar on the right in twenty thirteen? I don’t see an option to move it to the left.
Do you know how to transform the theme into a boxed theme?