4 useful tools to analyze your website

When you own a website, you’re responsible for many things, but one thing that often gets pushed to the end of the checklist is perhaps the most important: evaluation. It might be tempting to constantly move forward with new designs, content, graphics, and animations, but sometimes you simply need to pause and take stock of what you have.

To analyze a website’s performance in 2017 is actually incredibly simple; this is largely due to the fact that many companies have made useful little tools and apps. These do the hard work for you, and you only have to examine and make changes when appropriate. Thankfully, we can help you dodge another hurdle by providing a list of tools to use that really help to scrutinize your own website.

First up is one tool that you really should be using, if only for its easy-to-use interface and stunning amount of data, and that’s Google Analytics. Thisfree tool will display (in uncomplicated graphs) just how much traffic is heading your way, where the majority of it comes from, and so much more. As well, you can display the graphs in yearly, monthly, weekly, or daily sectors.

Next in line is the free website checker tool from www.1and1.com. This is highly valuable to any website owner because it will show you if there any faults with your site and how to correct them. You’ll be given a detailed analysis on website presentation, search engine visibility, website security, and the site’s overall performance.

A third useful tool is named Crazy Egg. Sometimes the easiest information to digest is not in numbers or graphs, but in pictures. www.crazyegg.com will provide you with a ‘heatmap’ of your site, which means that you can actually see where users are clicking, how far they scroll through an article, and what the most popular content is on your site. Four packages are available to purchase, but there’s also a free trial.

Lastly, an owner might just want real human feedback on his or her website, as it’s often the clearest way to find out if something on your site works or not. Perhaps you’ve implemented a new online form, an updated shopping cart, or even a new logo, and you’d like some opinions on how these perform. Quora and Yahoo Answers are good options, but www.ask.metafilter.com has been around for many years and has an active and engaging community. Whatever your question, you’re bound to find an answer there.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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