How Do CDNs Work

While working with different web resources, clients can observe different speeds. Due to the location of servers, some of them can be slow. However, this problem can be easily solved with proper CDN hosting from a reliable provider like G-Core Labs.


Regular Hosting

On a regular hosting, data transfer occurs as follows:

  1. The end user (client) starts loading the site page. The browser sends a request to a web server that stores the relevant content.
  2. The server receives the request, processes it according to the algorithm, and transmits the corresponding data packet.
  3. The page is loaded, and the user receives the necessary information.

All web resources work with two types of data – static and dynamic. Still, the size of the files should not affect the speed of their download in the client’s browser. Dynamic content is displayed differently based on user requests. For example, location, gender, recommendation block, and browsing history.

Dynamics mostly depend on the processor power. The speed of processing the static part depends on the bandwidth. If both types are stored together, this creates an additional load, and at certain points, the system works slowly.


What Is the Way Out?

CDN hosting adds additional data storage and transmission nodes to this scheme. These are servers that cache some content or the entire head resource page. CDN providers give this service. They host servers in various countries and regions.

The request is processed in the data center that is geographically closest to the place where it was received. Due to this, traffic gets the minimum-optimal route, the load is decreased, and the best speed of connection becomes a reality. Altogether, users can enjoy the swiftness of resources.

In the modern competitive world, this factor is more than important for the success of the online business. No wonder popular resources have implemented it.

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