30 Brilliant Pictures Exposing Face of Poverty

Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to the one who lacks basic human needs, which commonly includes clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today. One third of deaths – some 18 million people a year or 50,000 per day – are due to poverty-related causes: in total 270 million people, most of them women and children, have died as a result of poverty since 1990. According to the World Health Organization, hunger and malnutrition are the single gravest threats to the world’s public health and malnutrition is by far the biggest contributor to child morality, present in half of all cases.

Poverty is something which needs to be discussed, we need to figure out that how this issue should be solved. Half of the world is affected by this disease and rest will be soon. People are dying because of it. These people are denied the basic necessities of life. Are they not human beings or they don’t have the right to the luxuries of life. We need to think and figure out the answers to the question.

Many journalist have selected poverty as their beat and while doing their work most of them have shot some brilliant and thought provoking photographs. These photographs will make you realize what is happening around the world and how people are fighting for their survival. Poverty is eating these women, children and men with each passing day. Here i present 30 brilliant photographs exposing the actual face of poverty. Do give feed back and please think on the issue of poverty after watching these photographs.

30 Brilliant Photographs Exposing Face of Poverty

A Little Dangerous Boy by Princemypc

A Little Dangerous Boy by Princemypc

This is Mania by Stuck in Customs

This is Mania by Stuck in Customs

Back Stabbers not Welcome by Sailing Foot prints: Real to Reel

Back Stabbers not Welcome by Sailing Foot prints: Real to Reel

Hopelessness and Poverty by Robert

Poverty by Robert

Children at the Water Pump by Angela Aevin

Children at the Water Pump by Angela Aevin

Face of Povert by Carf

Face of Povert by Carf

I can Take Care of You by Carf

I can Take Care of You by Carf

In need by Hesham Alhumaid

In need by Hesham Alhumaid

India Kid by Mckaysavage

India Kid by Mckaysavage

Old Beggar by Maciej Ciezki

Old Beggar by Maciej Ciezki

Other side of Poverty

Other side of Poverty

Sadness by Risquillo

Sadness by Risquillo

Smiles Behind the Shadows by Paul Quiambao

Smiles Behind the Shadows by Paul Quiambao

Face of Poverty by Rabiya Ashraf

Face of Poverty by Rabiya Ashraf

Face of Poverty by Rabiya Ashraf

Face of Poverty by Rabiya Ashraf

Social Darwinism by Rabiya Ashraf

Social Darwinism by Rabiya Ashraf

Bodhgaya India by Alexey

Bodhgaya India by Alexey

Cuty, Garbage and dump in Cambodia by Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak

Cuty, Garbage and dump in Cambodia by Swiatoslaw Wojtkowiak

Face of Poverty by Princess of Truth and Peace

Face of Poverty by Princess of Truth and Peace

Faces of Pverty by Eren

Faces of Pverty by Eren

Glamour by Novic

Glamour by Novic



Orphanage Bon Samaritain by Croix Des Bouques

Orphanage Bon Samaritain by Croix Des Bouques

Poverty by Bencor

Poverty by Bencor

Poverty by Myempty Bliss

 Poverty by Myempty Bliss

Save the World by Falsalama

Save the World by Falsalama

Street Childeren of Philipenes by Mio Cade

Street Childeren of Philipenes by Mio Cade

Striving for Food

Striving for Food

Tsunami by David Synder

 Tsunami by David Synder

Wrinkles telling the life story by Yvette

Wrinkles telling the life story by Yvette

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. ANIL KUMAR SAHU says:

    realy this is heatr touching image.

  2. tanha says:

    I will do somthing for them if I can do

  3. nasrin says:

    oh my god.

  4. Is Poverty Curable?

  5. Fiona says:

    These are painfully well captured photos of the face of poverty in our society

  6. Ginny says:

    Your photos are amazing. They each tell a story and you have really captured reality. Keep up the great work