25 Fabulous Photoshop CS6 Tutorials

Photoshop has the ability of transforming a very ordinary picture into a masterpiece. It provides you with such features and options that enable you to edit and create surreal and artistic photos. Using Photoshop you can let your creativity show in the photos. Interesting photos are always attention grabbing and everyone is attracted to them.

So if you wish to learn how you too can create amazing pieces of beautiful art using Photoshop, then you are at the right place as today we have a list of 25 Fabulous Photoshop Tutorials. Use these tutorials to make great stuff and then impress people with your skills. Both professional and amateur graphic artists and even people with very little knowledge of Photoshop would find these tutorials helpful as they are very detailed and easy to understand.

So check out these tutorials, get inspired and enhance your Photoshop skills! Here we go..

Create A Poster Inspired By The Movie ‘The Bourne Legacy’

Create A Poster Inspired By The Movie ‘The Bourne Legacy’

Create An Artistic Photo Manipulation Of A Girl In A Red Field

Create An Artistic Photo Manipulation Of A Girl In A Red Field

Turn A Regular Headshot Into A Cold Winter Portrait

Turn A Regular Headshot Into A Cold Winter Portrait

Purple Glow Text Effect

Purple Glow Text Effect

Create a Mini Music Player in Adobe Photoshop

Create a Mini Music Player in Adobe Photoshop

Creating a Horror Movie-Themed Photo Composition

Creating a Horror Movie-Themed Photo Composition

Creating a Witch Doctor Character

Creating a Witch Doctor Character

Chalk Text Effect

Chalk Text Effect

Make a conceptual surreal photo-manipulation

Make a conceptual surreal photo-manipulation

How to Make Shiny, Gold, Old World Text Effect

How to Make Shiny, Gold, Old World Text Effect

Facial Rejuvenation Effect in Photoshop

Facial Rejuvenation Effect in Photoshop

Design Soft Green Recycle Bin Icon In Photoshop

Design Soft Green Recycle Bin Icon In Photoshop

Creating a Candy Cane Text Effect

Creating a Candy Cane Text Effect

Realistic Makeup Application in Photoshop

Realistic Makeup Application in Photoshop

Create a Surreal Urban City Montage with Lightning Effect in Photoshop

Create a Surreal Urban City Montage with Lightning Effect in Photoshop

Design a Rusted Metal Face Manipulation with Abstract Falling Lines in Photoshop

Design a Rusted Metal Face Manipulation with Abstract Falling Lines in Photoshop

Creating a Sports-Themed Text Effect

Creating a Sports-Themed Text Effect

Learn To Make A Restaurant Website Layout in Photoshop

Learn To Make A Restaurant Website Layout in Photoshop

Create a Trendy Retro Cityscape Design in Photoshop

Create a Trendy Retro Cityscape Design in Photoshop

Designing a Retro Flyer with Photoshop

Designing a Retro Flyer with Photoshop

How to Create Your Own Fractal-Style Design Using Photoshop

How to Create Your Own Fractal-Style Design Using Photoshop

Tutorial: Create a Progress Bar

Tutorial Create a Progress Bar

Create a Polished 3D Gold Bars Text Effect

Create a Polished 3D Gold Bars Text Effect

Applying a Grunge Shattered Glass Effect to Your Design using Photoshop

Applying a Grunge Shattered Glass Effect to Your Design using Photoshop

3D Balloons Text Effect

3D Balloons Text Effect

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. html6game says:

    Very good, the gold character really very true, very like you.

  2. These are some great tutorials. I appreciate the work on gathering these together. Nice write up!

  3. Awesome tutorial thanks for sharing this 🙂