25 Essential jQuery Plugin ToolKit for Developers

jQuery is nowadays being excessively used in web and graphic designing and has become really popular. The real reason behind its popularity is the fact that it is extremely user-friendly and easy to use; and boasts many awesome features such as the availability of plugins. A plethora of amazing jQuery plugins is available out there which can help you create many fabulous things easy and quickly and let you achieve some great and professional results.

So today we have a list of 25 Essential jQuery Plugin ToolKit for Developers. We hope that the developers would find these plugins really helpful. Check them out and pick the ones you like the best.

1. Image Rotation

JQuery Plugin For Rotating Image

JQuery Plugin For Rotating Image

Use this plugin to simply rotate a photo by clicking and moving your mouse.



This plugin allows transforming  simple photo tag into beautiful interactive 360° object movie, panorama or stop-motion animation.

Dopeless Rotate

Dopeless Rotate

This one is a great tool for 360 degree product visualization.

Ajax Zoom

Ajax Zoom

This one is a cool plugin for presenting 360° product photos on the web. It allows rotating the VR 360 object, also on Z-axis (3D multirow). It also features deep zoom on every frame and lets you use really high resolution photos without compression.

360 Panorama for jQuery

360 Panorama for Jquery

This plugin allows rotating a photo by clicking, moving your mouse or by adjusting it to rotate in auto with it.

jQuery Image Cube

jQuery Image Cube

This plugin lets you add the image cube functionality. It shows the photos confined within the targeted division in a cycle in two seconds. Next photo is shown with a new rotation. The 3D effect is ameliorated using the highlight and shadow effects.

360 degrees product view

360 degrees product view

It shows the 360 view of product utilizing a set of photos.



This plugin lets you incorporate sprite animation in your site. It has the ability to play photos or a stitched sprite sheets frame by frame. This creates an animation. The main goal of this tool is to allow a 360 degree view of the product. This tool does not require flash.



As the name suggests, this plugin flips elements in four directions easily and quickly.

Viewer3D Javascript

Viewer3D Javascript

Viewer3D Javascript provides a 360° view of a set of photos or panorama. This plugin is handy, tiny, does not require any flash or extra CSS. It is quick and works with all popular browsers and touch devices.

2. Page Layout Plugins



This plugin allows zooming any web page element easily and quickly. This plugin supports 3D transformations, conceals elements which are not displayed while transforming and allows kinetic scrolling. It works in almost all popular browsers and even works in IE.

Sticky Sidebar

Sticky Sidebar

It allows setting up some sidebars or floating boxes that move down the page as you scroll. It utilizes absolute positioning calculated from CSS.



Freetile.js is a latest tool that allows creating any kind of dynamic, organized, responsive layout. This tool allows any size elements to be utilized without fixed-size column grid. It is an easy to use tool which does not require excessive JavaScript knowledge.



This tool allows sliding a webpage in order to reveal an additional interaction pane.

jQuery HiddenPosition

jQuery HiddenPosition

This plugin allows positioning any element to any element, even when they are hidden.



This tool creates dynamic and multi-column layouts. It provides a series of elements in a dynamic column grid.

3. Form & Search Plugins



This plugin helps your users to put the right domain when they misspell an email address.



This one is a really cool jQuery plugin that allows on-demand searching.

jQuery Accordion

jQuery Accordion

It provides a customizable interface for collapsible panels which have the ability of holding any type of data in a restricted space.

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File Upload

This one is a file upload tool that allows selecting multiple files, dragging & dropping, progress bars and previewing photos.

jQuery Credit Card Validator

jQuery Credit Card Validator

As the name suggests this tool allows detecting and validating credit card numbers. It allows viewing credit card type and number length are valid for the type of card or not.

4. Photo Effect



One of the most popular photo manipulating technique is tiltshift. And this plugin allows you to add this effect easily and quickly using the CSS3 filter. This plugin requires Javascript and CSS3 to work properly. It is compatible with Chrome & Safari 6 only.

5. Chart & Graph Plugins

jQuery Org ChartjQuery Org Chart

It allows rendering structures with nested elements in a really cool tree structure.



This one is a tiny library that utilizes jQuery and Raphaël that allows making drawing time-series graphs easy and quick.

6. Animation Plugins

jQuery Transit

jQuery Transit

It allows creating extremely-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery easily and quickly.

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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. I-dizajn says:

    I must bookmark this page!

  2. umair says:

    Atlast i find the photo effect plugin.Thanks for sharing this………..