10 Hottest IT jobs for 2014

Earlier in August, US IT recruitment firm Mondis released its list of the top ten “hottest” IT jobs in the sector at present.

While this was focused on the American market, we still think it is interesting to see how the industry is faring across the pond and have decided to take a closer look at the positions it highlighted.

hottest IT jobs


#1: Software developer 

A software developer is essentially the brains behind any piece of software or system and is responsible for its maintenance, testing and design. This is a varied role that often contains tasks such as introducing new software to a network, assessing current systems and preparing instruction manuals for users.

It’s important to note Mondis included mobile software developers in this category, as the popularity of smartphones and tablets means there is a high level of demand in this sector at present.


#2: Business or data analyst

Data is money these days and companies are keen to make the most of the vast levels of information that are now accessible. A data analyst is expected to collect and scrutinise this info so that businesses can use it to their advantage.

The role of a business analyst is similar, but is more focused towards using IT to help companies overcome daily challenges and responsibilities.


#3: Help desk professional

A help desk professional is often the first port of call for someone who is encountering IT problems. Using excellent technical knowledge and good communication skills, people in this role are expected to fix these issues.


#4: Project manager

Project manager is quite a broad term that can be applied to a number of different roles and sectors within the IT industry. As the name suggests, it involves an individual taking charge of all aspects of a specific IT project and this could range from improving cyber security to revamping a company’s web presence.

This is a position that can only be filled by someone with considerable experience in the industry.


#5: Quality assurance analyst

Individuals who take up this role are responsible for assessing whether software programs and systems perform to the level that is expected of them. It involves running a large number of tests to clarify the strengths and weaknesses of software and then compiling a report containing any suggestions for improvement.


#6: System administrator

A systems administrator is expected to maintain the computer systems and servers that a company relies on for its everyday operations. People in this role are responsible for ensuring things run smoothly at all times and to quickly deal with any disruption that may occur.


#7: Network or telecoms analyst

Network analysts are responsible for running and maintaining the complex computer systems used by large businesses and organisations. This is a collaborative role that involves a large amount of cooperation with other IT professionals and business people from outside of the technology sector.

Individuals who fill this position are often well-paid, with totaljobs.com estimating the typical starting wage is £25,000 and rising up to £58,000 depending on experience.


#8: Database developer and administrator

As we mentioned earlier, data is money, and databases are the crucial systems in which this key information is held. As a database developer or administrator you will in charge of running systems and making sure they meet the needs of your organisation.

Companies will struggle to function without their data, so this really is a business-critical role. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, Computeach’s database professional course will be perfect for you.


#9: Data warehouse roles 

A database warehouse is essentially a huge database that is used for data reporting and analysis on a very large scale. It often brings together data from a number of different sources and contains both current and historical information.

Job roles associated with this sector include analysts, specialists and programmers, all of which are in demand in the US as more companies seek to take advantage of big data.


#10: Enterprise resource planning roles

Enterprise resource planning software is used to pull together each of the key internal processes of an organisation such as sales, purchasing and accounting etc. This allows businesses to cut costs and ensure they are run as efficiently as possible without duplicating resources.

Positions in this area that were highlighted as hot by Mondis include administrators, analysts and programmers.

Have any of these positions caught your eye? If so why not enrol on one of our industry-recognised IT courses, which are proven to provide students with the skills and experiences employers are looking for.


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