500+ Free Watercolor Photoshop Brushes
I once used to go through this phase of being obsessed with Photoshop brushes and I use to download every available brush pack from around the internet. As time progressed I finally started to grow out of this obsession of downloading brushes but a Photoshop brush style which I really liked the most was paint brushes because it allowed me the freedom and creativity to create designs which look like they have been created using a paint brush. You can also Water Splash Brushes check this!
These brushes were created for Adobe Photoshop CS, CS2,CS3, CS4 and CS5 and also work with GIMP 2.4.
These are 500+ High Quality Photoshop Brush Sets.
40 Free High-Res Acrylic Paint Photoshop Brushes
WaterColor Reloaded (83)
WG Watercolor Brushes Vol1 (20)
WG Watercolor Brushes Vol1 (20)
Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes Set II (20)Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes (38)
watercolor brushes (20) Watercolor Textures: Photoshop Brush Pack (25)Watercolor II (9)
Paint Killer (6)
Watercolor I (10)
I really like this brush: Free Hi-Res Watercolor Photoshop Brushes Set II (20)
Seriously I gonna use it..Thanks admin