Twenty thirteen child themes for wordpress
The ever popular default wordpress theme has just been upgraded to Twenty thirteen. One of the major changes is the use of orange color as the default theme. While it is a nice change for some, other folks might not like the color so much. In addition, there is also some teething problems related to the new release such as integration with disqus, sidebar widgets and footer replacement etc. This is why some folks have already started making child themes for twenty thirteen. I have gathered some of these early work to showcase here in case you want to play around with these child themes. The list is not long as the twenty thirteen theme has just been released but I will be adding more as I discovered them.
Twenty thirteen child theme 1

Dislike orange? You can try this blue color twenty thirteen child theme. The header is a nice mix of blue tones with a touch of brown. Great for any personal blog.
Twenty thirteen child theme 2

If you don’t like blue or orange, how about a green child theme. This one looks great with the different green color tones.
Twenty thirteen child theme 3 – Simplify13

A great looking child theme with a minimalist focus. The design is clean and is a great choice for anyone who wants a super minimal wordpress theme.
Twenty thirteen child theme 4 – 2013 Custom

2013 custom child theme has a 2 widget area that has been coded into the template. One appears in the header section and one is on the side bar. This will be very useful for some customization work.
Twenty thirteen child theme 5

For those who want a full width twenty thirteen theme, this child template will be what you are doing for. Not only does it have a full width display, it also has a full width header gadget.