The Best White Hat SEO Techniques to Increase Your Traffic in 2021

White hat SEO techniques are the SEO strategies that operate within the rules, guidelines, and expectations of search engines and searchers. It doesn’t rely on tricks to undermine search engine’s algorithms. White hat techniques offer high quality and relevant content to optimize the user experience and help Google algorithms to rank your site as it shows user intent for each keyword. Since white hat SEO uses legally accepted techniques, it helps boost a site’s ranking. It also benefits users as they can easily find what they want through organic search.


  1. Quality Link building

When used correctly, link building, and especially backlinking, can drive more traffic to your website. It requires you to link to authoritative sites within your niche. Consider guest blogging on leading websites with high domain authority, then add links that link back to your site. This helps you get valuable links and increases brand awareness, resulting in more traffic.

Additionally, consider building broken links by creating content for links that lead to non-existing pages. The links should be from authoritative sites to help you rank high on SERPs and attract more site visitors. Internal link building is another way to use white hat SEO to increase your site’s traffic. Publish high-quality content on your site/ blog, then add relevant links that lead readers to related posts within your blog. Since sourcing for links can be challenging and time-consuming, consider getting link-building services from experts such as Loganix.


  1. Create high-value content

When creating content, consider what can make your site stand out in value, uniqueness, and engagement. This means that the content you create should be unique; avoid copying other people’s ideas to lower your ranking chances. Ensure your content offers value to your readers and keeps them engaged, boosting user experience. In return, this will drive more traffic to your website.


  1. Consider user intent

User intent helps you create content that enhances your site’s relevance and boosts your SEO. When you satisfy user intent, you offer readers what they want, and Google notices that users love your content. This allows readers to spend more time on your site, engaging with your content. To satisfy user intent, conduct keyword research and use the first five or 10 results to deduce the common idea. This will help you create content they will love, increasing traffic.


  1. Ensure mobile-friendliness

A mobile-friendly site attracts more visitors. To make your site mobile friendly, optimize your site’s speed by removing pop-ups, compressing your images, and ensuring code cleanliness. Ensure that your site is easy to navigate, and the pages are mobile-friendly. Consider prioritizing user experience and running A/B tests with the best user experience practices.


  1. Focus on content marketing

Content marketing is the white hat SEO technique that helps present high-quality content to prospective clients and customers. This can be achieved through social sharing, page linking, publishing on authoritative sites, and delivering directly with email lists. Content marketing focuses on finding the right audience and building relationships with them. This helps drive more traffic to your site.



Excellent white hat SEO techniques help boost site rankings, which increases traffic. This increases valuable lead generation, improving sales. Consider conducting monthly SEO audits to ensure site functionality for a good user experience.

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