7 cool bootstrap 3 themes builders for faster bootstrap 3 theme development

Bootstrap 3 is the latest version of the popular front end tool. Because it is new, there isn’t too many bootstrap 3 templates currently available.  Rather than waiting for them to be developed, you can build one yourself using a bootstrap 3 theme builder. These builders contain resources and/or templates that make it much easier to work with. If you want to build everything from scratch,try the basic starter kit that has the bare-bone of what you need but still leaves a lot of room to build upon.

In terms of money making, it is also quite profitable now if you can start making some niche bootstrap 3 themes and sell them at marketplaces such as Themeforest. The supply isn’t as huge as the common bootstrap 1 or 2 themes or it is best to get in early.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #1: Bootstrap magic

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Bootstrap magic is an in browser editor tool that is focused on enabling the creation of bootstrap 3 themes. It has quite an extensive range of customisation options, from font to layout to color. You can preview the result in real time so that saves a lot of time from needing to go back and forth. Best of all, it is a free tool so there is no cost to giving it a go.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #2: LayoutIt

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I have covered this software before in my previous article on the best boostrap design tool for 2014.  It is a great drag and drop tool that allows you to builder your own theme, although the software can do so much more.   There is a live demo that you can try out and see if it can enable you to build themes faster.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #3: Bootstrap start theme

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Matt Jone’s bootstrap start theme is a recent addition that is really great. It can be used as a starter theme or you can use it as a framework to start building your own child themes that caters to your needs. Either way, it offers plenty of functions including multi-user enabled (buddypress), ecommerce enabled (WooCommerce) and lots of CSS options for you to tweak.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #4: Bootstrap 3 Starter Theme

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This is a basic wordpress bootstrap3 theme that lets you add on and customize stuff. In order words, it is a template that you can build on to save time and effort on building the basics. It doesn’t have many bells and whistles and it is good for what it does.  You don’t have to pay for anything but you are required to submit your email to be able to download it.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #5: Start bootstrap

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Another starter bootstrap 3 theme that is free to download. Again, not too many feature but you can build on it quickly rather than doing everything from the ground floor. It even has theme that you can purchase and further customize for faster development of themes.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #6: Themestrap

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Themestrap helps you to get started in a ultra fast way. All you need is a few lines of codes and a basic theme is good to go. Then you can start adding any bells and whistles you need to create a fully functional bootstrap 3 theme.


Bootstrap 3 themes builder #7: Getbootstrap

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At getbootstrap.com, you can play with the different variables and download the final version with no cost. The downside is you can’t preview the changes so that makes it difficult to see how the changes can affect your bootstrap 3 theme. Other than that, it is pretty fun website to play with.

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  1. www.thepsd.net says:

    hey please make one tutorial on how to design responsive website using Bootstrap.

  2. krish Player says:

    It’s a good collection of themes. The themes are very highly development and designed. keep it up man!!!