40 Best iPhone 5 Wallpapers and Backgrounds

Soon after its release on 21 September 2012, Apple iPhone 5 is in news. Be it the accessories or wallpapers, you will find people discussing iPhone 5 these days. The retina display of iPhone looks more exquisite with equally awesome high definition wallpaper. Wallpaper is just like any other accessory to make your iPhone look more personalized- more yours. These wallpapers make your iPhone stand out among others. It’s actually a way to customize your device, to enhance its looks and to make it more stylish. To add a fact here – your accessories are a way that showcases your taste.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose wallpaper from this awesome new collection of wallpapers for iPhone 5. All of them have a screen resolution of 640 x 1136 pixels and fits perfectly. Have a look at these fantastic iPhone wallpapers and choose the one that matches you taste and looks the best on your screen. You may have interest on iPhone 5 Cases.

iPhone 5 Wallpapers and Backgrounds

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  1. هادي says:

    خيلي خوب بود ممنونم لذت بردم. Tanks for picteres I injoied

  2. Matt says:

    Awesome backgrounds. Thanks! Keep up the good work