10 Best Javascript Color Pickers Plugins
Tools are playing importantly role for saving time. Web developers are always needed to explorer exact colors. There’re many tools available for picking color and help it into another program. Thanks to web developers and web designers for JavaScript color picker plugins, this can easily pick colors and use them in your web projects.
In this showcase, we come with 10 best useful Javascript Color Pickers Plugins. It can help for getting your job easier and meet your requirements rapidly.
The jQuery plugin for color editing on your website.
Izzy Color Picker
This color picker is a very slick and extraordinarily useful tool.
No flash, images, external libraries, CSS or 1px divs. Only 4.3KB minified.
JavaScript Color Picker
PhotoShop-like JavaScript Color Picker.
mooRainbow is a powerful Javascript color picker that allows you to visually choose and use colors as a real and useful application.
JavaScript ColorPicker
This colorPicker is a light weight all-rounder that can display and let you choose the entire color palette in HSB and RGB color modes.
JPicker – A jQuery Color Picker
jPicker is a fast, lightweight jQuery plugin for including an advanced color picker in your web projects. It has been painstakenly ported from John Dyers’ awesome work on his picker using the Prototype framework.
Color Picker
A simple component to select color in the same way you select color in Adobe Photoshop
Farbtastic is a jQuery plug-in that can add one or more color picker widgets into a page through JavaScript. Each widget is then linked to an existing element (e.g. a text field) and will update the element’s value when a color is selected.
SimpleColor Plugin
jQuery Simple Color is a very simple color-picker plugin that displays a square grid of selectable colors.