How Technology Could Improve Your Business
These days, technology is completely transforming the modern workplace and improving productivity across all sectors. Indeed, it’s almost impossible to think of any firm that doesn’t rely (at least to some degree) on computers and tech. From the one-man-band business using the web and email to stay in touch with clients right up to the massive global multinationals crunching Big Data, the vast majority of companies now make use of tech.

Modern systems are becoming far more ‘intelligent’
With the vast advances made particularly over the last decade in programming and tech, modern business apps are pushing the boundaries of what we might have considered possible from software and machines. Couple that with the tremendous progress made across Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), and today’s software is helping bring automation to the workplace and revolutionizing business productivity.
Common ways tech is changing how (and where) firms can operate
If you’re sitting on the fence somewhat about the idea of embracing more tech into your firm, below are listed just a few ways it could help improve the way you work. Most experts agree we’re currently in the throes of a fourth industrial revolution (also often referred to as Industry 4.0), a time when man and machine will coexist perfectly – with software and robots becoming a standard part of our daily working practices. In a similar way to how e-commerce brought about the downfall of many of our previously biggest and most successful firms, so ignoring this shift to automation in the workplace could spell disaster for companies unwilling to embrace change.
Some of the more common ways tech is enhancing business include:
Improved collaboration using productivity tools and cloud-based solutions. Cloud tech is changing how and where businesses and their staff can work and is bringing new levels of security and online collaborative working. By working with a professional using cloud governance tools, company staff can effectively and securely work from anywhere they can find an internet connection (which, given that pretty much everyone has a connected smartphone these days, means more or less anywhere).
Get paid quicker using web-based payments. The days of clients being able to use the excuse of checks going missing in the post are long gone and today payments can be sent and received in seconds using web-based payment platforms. Good financial management is crucial for all firms – and by using tech, you can ensure you get paid on time, every time.
Use social media to increase customer base and improve client/company communication. Perhaps more than any other new media, the rise of social platforms has completely transformed traditional marketing and made it possible for companies to generate new business and reach out to customers.
Better marketing. In line with the above, promoting and marketing a firm is easier than ever in today’s tech-based climate. From simple website updates to campaigns across the most popular social platforms and the potential offered by direct email, tech has turned marketing on its head and helped improve the way firms can find and retain clients.