Advertisement One of the many reasons why people prefer a Mac is because of its superior graphics performance when it comes to designing and what not. For graphic design, you not only need heavy machines but also heavy [&hellip
graphic design
The month of February has started, which means Valentine’s Day is coming soon. Valentine’s Day, i.e. 14th February, is the day many people look forward to. Different people plan different things on this day; and some people celebrate [&hellip
The most important thing when it comes to applying for a job is a resume or CV. It will be the first impression on your ‘maybe’ future-employer, even before they get to interview you
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Contact forms are always an important part of any website. It will build the trust and allows your visitors or customers to get in touch with your support team. But one should take care when selecting the style [&hellip
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is really important if you to improve your blog or website’s ranking in different search engines. If you don’t know what SEO is, it is the process of improving the visibility of a website [&hellip
It is never too late to mend, I mean no matter it’s a New Year or a Mid-year, taking control of your growth strategies as a designer should always be on top of your mind. The desire to [&hellip