Advertisement When it comes to choosing Tablet PC and mobile phones, some of the most important factors that will help aid your decision-making process does not only include stylish smartphones; but can also be the carrier, OS, data [&hellip
When it comes to today’s keyboard, the latest craze is those that work virtually; thereby eliminating the need for a physical keyboard. All you need is to carry a tiny device, which fits easily inside your pocket that [&hellip
One of the biggest enemies of technology such as gadgets and smartphones is water. Water and smartphones don’t go well together, so you always have to pick one: staying close to your smartphone, or having fun in the [&hellip
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The Samsung Galaxy S4 was barely out in the market, yet people are already talking about the accessories that will come with it. However, words are coming out about the details for the S4’s optional accessories, though prices [&hellip
From Samsung Electronics came the successor of the worldwide phenomenon, Samsung Galaxy SIII, the new Samsung Galaxy S4 with beefed up features such as the Smarts Scroll, Smart Stay and Smart Alerts
We live in the world where smartphones have totally revolutionized the cell phone industry as they are extremely sophisticated and efficient, but the biggest issue with these smartphones is their battery time.
You can tell a lot about a person by seeing into his or her kitchen. Whether tidy or messy, whether full of exotic herbs or stinking of weird smells, the kitchen’s universe is descriptive of the owner’s personality!
Smartphones have totally revolutionized the mobile phone industry and no one can deny this fact. With the advent of these, now phones are not only a device to make phone calls and send text messages, now they act [&hellip
When it comes to creativity, I am sure you realize that there are no limitations. People sometimes come up with stuff that simply blows your mind away and that is exactly what this list is about
It is common knowledge that the gadgets these days are getting smaller by every passing second. Gadgets also are becoming more sophisticated and advanced
If you guys travel a lot, go backpacking or hiking or generally spend a lot of time on the road, chances are you find themselves out of charge when it comes your devices very often
It is the time of holidays and we know all of you must be waiting to go out to the shopping malls and there are some who are still waiting for the huge sales. Buying a gift for [&hellip
It is not easy to come up with stuff that is creative in a non-tacky way and has the potential to actually grab your attention. Of course, you will not agree with everything and that’s okay because everyone [&hellip