30+ Awesome Armband Tattoos
Armband tattoos are most common type of tattoos which are inked widely. They are mostly used because of their simplicity, small size and uniqueness. They are marked on arms as alternative to tangible armband. These tattoos look like the bracelet,armband and any other ornament. These are fixed and permanent on arm. These vary from simple design to complex designs and can be used by persons of all ages.
Normally these are inked on upper arm at bicep part. There are different types and styles of armband tattoos for an example chain band tattoos, flowers band, dragon band, dolphin band, Celtic band, skull bar-wire, star and hearts band tattoos. Armband tattoos are awesome and fabulous tattoos designs.
Some common armband tattoos designs include Celtic and tribal designs. Celtic designs are used due to variety of its further designs. Firstly these are used as symbols to frighten the enemy during wars. Choice of these tattoos is infinite and favoured by its fans. Tribal armband tattoos do not represent any specific culture, These designs are make by different specimen and different traditions.
Today I am sharing 30 Awesome Armband tattoos, that can increase you personality and hopefully you will like and comment on my effort.
Upper arm Armband Tattoo
BY: inksling
Armband Tattoo
Skull Armband Tattoo
BY: tattookelly
Linking Armband Tattoo
BY: Tarotshama
Koi Armband Tattoo
BY: BalefulCyanide
Skull Armband Tattoo
BY: DarkFart2264
Armband Tattoo
Long Armband Tattoo
BY: spellfire42489
Sun Armband Tattoo
BY: Liz1ttrstudio
Heart Armband Tattoo
BY: Jstermn
Armband Tattoo
BY: KevinStiles
Simple Armband Tattoo
BY: Mustang-Inky
Wavy Armband Tattoo
BY: thereisnonoise
Leaf Armband Tattoo
BY: sinsew
Armband Tattoo
BY: hellcatmolly
Armband Tattoo
Armband Tattoo
BY: ratdaddytattoo
Bat Armband Tattoo
BY: ratdaddytattoo
Nice Flower Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Simple Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Joining Armband Tattoo
BY: Unknown
Star Armband Tattoo
BY: Moviemetal3
Watch like Armband Tattoo
BY: xhatexmexlaterx
Armband Tattoos
BY: DiegoCT92
Music Armband Tattoo
BY: Whispered-Echo
Armband Tattoo
BY: avatarfan67
Armband Tattoo
BY: pierincess
Armband Tattoo
BY: NickGhost
Nice Showcase of armed tattoos. Thumb Up for your outstanding work.. 😛