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With a passion for Knowledge, Smashinghub has been created to explore things like Free Resources For Designers, Photographers, Web Developers and Inspiration.

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  1. free bird says:

    There are so many beautiful logos, and i’m really very interested in logo design! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  2. admin says:

    welcome ! Daniel and Raffaele

  3. Likewise, I’m proud to have my Homeward Bound logo featured here.

    Much appreciated!

    Some great work here. I especially like the mark of the Winy Collection!

  4. I am very proud that you have published my logo , “Santopalato, The Holy One”.
    these are all very beautiful and strong inspiration.

    RaffaeleVisconti.it (italy)

  5. Jim says:

    i like the “GreenLabs” and “WildSoul Inc.”—These are all great and would be awesome on a brochure or website.

  6. Thanks for including my logo (Lancashire Landscapes) in this fantastic set. All of the logo’s are beautiful but I particularly like The Human Element and Royalnotes. Thanks again.

  7. Really a nice set of logo’s that any new company/ business can draw inspiration off of when looking to create new logo. All are great but my personal favorites are First steps, Chemysterious, and Greenlabs.

    Great post. keep it up!

  8. Thanks for sharing,i am new designer and think it will help me .Logo are really cool.